苹果被起诉苹果工资 - 因为他们有垄断


诉讼正朝着苹果薪水付款,声称苹果对iPhone上的非接触式付款有非法垄断,使IT迫使发卡商支付费用(通过彭博社)。该诉讼是由总部位于爱荷华州的Affinity信用合作社提起的,该信用合作社发行了与Apple Pay兼容的借记卡和信用卡。

According to the complaint, Apple makes over $1 billion a year charging credit card companies up to 0.15 percent per transaction in Apple Pay fees, and yet those same card issuers don’t have to pay anything when their customers use “functionally identical Android wallets.” The suit alleges that Apple violates antitrust law by making it so Apple Pay is the only service able to carry out NFC payments on its iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. It also alleges that Apple keeps card issuers from passing on those fees to customers, which makes it so iPhone owners don’t have any benefit to go find a cheaper payment method.


律师事务所处理了有关亲和力的案件,哈根斯·伯曼(Hagens Berman)有针对苹果的集体诉讼历史。在指控App Store的规则不公平之后,以及E-Book固定案件的结尾,苹果公司返回了大约4亿美元回到客户之后,它涉及使开发商达成1亿美元的和解。

根据律师事务所的新闻稿,该诉讼的目的是改变苹果政策,这些政策迫使所有非接触式付款以通过Apple Pay进行,并使公司偿还发行人的费用,原告声称其非法收取的费用。



