埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)说,特斯拉机器人将在一年内准备就绪,但实际上会发生吗?



如果您最近没有关注新闻,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)最近在“ AI Day”活动中宣布了类人类的“特斯拉机器人”,从而获得了公众的不同观点。而且,如果一个五英尺八英寸的机器人作为您的私人助理不足以满足,那么埃隆随后试图向所有人保证,如果它反对他们,他们将“很可能”在战斗中击败机器人。(吓人人民可能不是最好的营销策略)。现在看来,马斯克不再能够控制他的兴奋,并说特斯拉机器人原型将在明年准备好了……

假设涉及埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)及其公告时,他没有良好的记录来保证这些诺言或按时交付产品。还记得著名的塞伯拉克及其臭名昭著的“牢不可破的窗玻璃”,在活动期间不仅两次破碎了一次吗?还是马斯克(Musk)在2014年对2020年全身自动驾驶系统的预测,该系统将允许乘客上车,入睡并醒来到所需的目的地?

It’s not wrong to say that Musk was a little off about those predictions since self-driving cars are still in the early development stages and never in your sane mind should you try to go to sleep while its driving cause let’s be fair, the self-driving cars don’t have a really good record of staying on track and you might just reach your final destination altogether. So, do you believe the Tesla Bot would be up and running by next year or would it be just another victim of those unrealistic expectations set by Elon Musk from his development team?


