This iPhone Spent 10 Months At The Bottom of A River – And It Still Works


An iPhone was found by a man named “Miguel Pacheco” on the River Wye located in Cinderford, Gloucestershire, and that, too, in working condition. When Miguel was canoeing with his family earlier this month, he caught a sight of something blue flowing with the waves of water. He was successful in grabbing it at last, and it turned out to be an iPhone covered with mud and water. He then took it to his home to see if it was still working or not. To identify it, he put it on the charge, and guess what? The charging bar suddenly surfaced on the screen and it began to charge.

At last, when the iPhone turned on, he saw the picture of a man and a woman on the lock screen with the date August 13th. This made him realize that the phone had remained in the water for 10 months, and that was surely the day when the couple lost it in the sea. While discussing the condition of the phone, Pacheco stated, “In the morning when I put it on a charge, I just couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think it was any good. It was full of water.”

He then decided to share the photo of the couple and the phone on social media in the hope that it might reach the owner. So, he posted it on his local “Cinder Noticeboard Facebook group”. After getting 4000 shares, the post almost made its way to the owners. A very dear friend of the couple identified them in the post and gave the credentials of the couple, Owain Davis and Fiona Gardner, his fiance. It was found that they live in Edinburgh, Scotland, and when the couple got to know about it, they were thrilled with amusement.

Owain Davis stated, “I was in a two-man canoe and my partner probably shouldn’t have stood up, and needless to say, we fell in. The phone was in my back pocket and as soon as it was in the water, I realized the phone was gone.” Owain greatly acknowledged the efforts of Pacheco and said that if he got into such a situation, he must have put it in a trash can. Owain thanked Pacheco for bringing this phone back to him with so many memories stored in it.

Furthermore, Owain stated, “I know if I lost my phone, I’ve got a lot of pictures of my children, I know I’d want that back.”


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