

迪拜;迪拜是阿联酋的七个酋长国之一,是商业活动的主要亮点。你会发现自己周围都是购物中心,结构惊人的建筑和美丽的风景。迪拜吸引着众多游客,2007年,迪拜被提名为全球最受欢迎和最受欢迎的旅游胜地。由于迪拜最近的发展,经济以相当快的速度增长。你会发现奢侈品,昂贵的奢侈品,以及买得起它们的富人。然而,这意味着即使是最昂贵的东西在迪拜也很正常。如果你带着一辆昂贵的手机或跑车,你就不会在人群中脱颖而出。既然这是人们想要的;为了在人群中脱颖而出,它为企业主提供了探索他们创造力的机会。 Such endeavors result in ideas such as that which has been introduced by Cars Coin. Cars Coin is a Dubai based car tuning company and it came up with the original idea of providing luxury vehicles with a new, unique and shiny look.

汽车硬币射程Roverv 2

汽车硬币揽胜 他们的做法很简单;他们用成千上万的硬币盖住过山车,使得汽车“像钻石做的一样闪闪发光”。就像我们之前提到的,让你昂贵的汽车在阿联酋脱颖而出几乎是不可能的。无论你开的是哪种车型,在迪拜和阿布扎比,很可能有数百辆这样的车在行驶。用金箔纸包裹汽车也变得太“正常”了。在这种时候,Car Coins的想法非常有吸引力。这群调谐爱好者在迪拜的一个独立汽车车间工作,他们专门为豪华汽车镀上硬币。他们的最新作品是一辆2013年款的路虎揽胜,上面覆盖着数量惊人的57,412枚古老的迪拉姆硬币。为了使这辆车看起来独一无二,花了几个星期的时间。每枚硬币都是用手工打磨并粘在车身上的。 There’s news that the addition of these coins has resulted in an increase of the weight of the SUV and Range Rover now weighs an extra 170 kilos thanks to the modification done to it. To make sure that the owner of car doesn’t have to worry about people stealing the coins off the body of car, the team has used coins that are no longer in circulation. Although it is unlikely that anybody in UAE would need that extra change. Just so that you know, these guys aren’t amateurs and this Range Rover isn’t their first creation. Their first shiny and amazing art work was displayed in 2011 when they unveiled the Mercedes Benz G55 AMG draped in shiny 1 Dirham coins. Total number of coins used amounted up to 47,000. The team always makes sure to include flags of Arab countries in their artwork and also Arab leaders.


这种闪亮的服务和想法可能只在阿联酋成功,因为我们担心其他国家的人不会有足够的现金花在这种奢侈的改造上。不过,还是要向Cars Coin这个绝妙的创意致敬。



