埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)说,您可能会在战斗中击败特斯拉机器人


在新的事件中,在成为反对倡导者并反复警告人们有关AI接管的人之后,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)似乎终于屈服了,并宣布了类人动物“特斯拉机器人”。但是,不用担心,根据马斯克的说法,如果它变成邪恶并决定为您来的,您将“很可能”击败机器人(说什么?!)

Earlier this week at the “AI Day” event on Thursday, Musk announced that they’re working on a humanoid robot called “Tesla bot” which would probably be released sometime around 2021. The robot would be operated on Tesla’s Autopilot AI algorithms and would most likely stand at five-foot-eight feet height, weigh about 125 pounds and travel at a max speed of five miles per hour. It seems like there was a good reason why Musk described the physical traits of the robot. It was to assure people that if by any chance, the robot decides to have a mind of its own and try to come after the owner, (we’ve seen way too many sci-fi movies to actually believe something like this could happen) they could easily defeat it in a battle or have enough strength to escape from the evil AI. “我们将其设置为使其处于机械层面,在物理层面上,您可以逃离它,很可能会压倒它,马斯克在活动中说。“希望那永远不会发生,但你永远不会知道,”他补充说(jee谢谢,这让我们感觉好多了)



